HVAC System

Air-Cooled Industrial Chiller

Designed with precision and performance in mind, this air-cooled industrial chiller is the perfect solution for a wide range of cooling applications, from industrial processes to commercial facilities.

It features a compact and sleek design, making it easy to integrate into any space-constrained environment. Engineered with noise-reducing features, it minimizes operational noise without compromising on cooling performance. It is equipped with intuitive interfaces that allow you to easily adjust settings.

Whether you're cooling sensitive electronics, industrial machinery, or laboratory equipment, our air-cooled industrial chiller is up to the task.

Learn the details in below:


Model 20ADB-N05AS4
Cooling Capacity (kW) 12
Rated Cooling Power Input (kW) 4.52
Flow Rate (m³/h) 3
Refrigerant R407C

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